Dora, you made our family happy!

Dora was very experienced in cooking and baking and helped me when preparing a birthday cake.

October 2nd is my sister's birthday. This year it fell on a Sunday and I had made all my plans to give her a surprise from the kitchen, while she was away at Mass. I didn't want her to see me in the kitchen so as not to guess anything.

The moment came to decorate the birthday cake with chocolate! I put the chocolate in the bain-marie to temper. Lo and behold, to my disappointment, the chocolate hardened and separated completely!! I had no more chocolate and no time for plan B!

In the middle of the panic, I suddenly remembered "Dora"!!! I began to pray her prayercard. When I tried to say the second one, because of nerves, I forgot the words. So what was coming from my lips, as I stirred the chocolate helplessly, were: "Dora! Please! Dora, please show me what to do! Dora it's charity to make her happy. You knew how to do things well, please help me!"

Suddenly Dora found a solution for me. I had a brainwave: "add a bit of cream!"

And that was it!!! It was smooth and shiny, as if nothing had happened.

Thank you, Dora. You help our homes to be part of that family of Nazareth.

AL (Kampala, Uganda)

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